These 4 training aids will help you make more putts

Every golfer feels like they should be making more putts… and they’re right! While very few golfers have the physical gifts to be able to hit their driver 300-plus yards in the air like Dustin Johnson, we can all improve our putting without spending hours on the course or at the gym.

So how do you do it? We reached out to Perfect Practice, an innovative golf training aid company that has developed a lineup of effective and simple-to-use products with some of the biggest names in golf.

Please enjoy these recommendations from Dustin Johnson, his brother/caddie Austin Johnson, and top-ranked instructors Matt Killen and Zach Allen to learn more about their favorite Perfect Practice training aids and how they use them to make more putts.

Dustin Johnson: Two-Time Major Champion                                                Recommendation: Perfect Putting Mat™

The conditions vary from one PGA Tour event to the next. However, when it comes to practice, I know I can count on my Perfect Putting Mat to remain consistent.

The team at Perfect Practice ships me a mat at every tournament I play, so I can lay it out in my hotel room or at the house that I’m renting. Sometimes I use it before the round, sometimes after and occasionally both. It’s hard to walk past it without hitting a few putts, which has been very helpful.

The Perfect Putting Mat is something every golfer should have at home or even in their office because it makes practice so convenient. If you’re crunched for time, you can still get in some tour-quality practice.

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Austin Johnson: PGA Tour Caddy For Dustin Johnson
Recommendation: Laser Putting Glasses

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Caddies on the PGA Tour do a lot more than just carry the bag. Players like Dustin Johnson (my brother and for whom I caddy on Tour) often lean on us to check their fundamentals, and that’s why I love the Laser Putting Glasses. With the Laser Putting Glasses, we can look at his eye position together, whether we’re out on the course, on the practice green or at home on the mat.

It’s the little variations from week to week that can be the difference between missing a cut or winning the tournament—having a tool like the Laser Putting Glasses allows us to check one of the most important things about putting and be as consistent as possible.

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Matt Killen, GOLF Top-100 Teacher
Recommendation: The Raindrop — Retractable Putting String

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I work with several of the best golfers in the world, and many amateur golfers, too. When it comes to putting, one thing they have in common is that they can struggle with their start lines.

In the past, we’ve seen golfers using chalk lines and a lot of other things to practice this. I wanted to create something better. The Raindrop is the best putting string in the world. It’s easy to use. It won’t tangle. It extends to 20 feet. And just as importantly, it’s retractable, so you can set it up and take it down quickly.

The Raindrop is one of the few products that will show you in real time why you’re missing putts. Is it the read… or your stroke? And once you know the answer, you can start making more putts.

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Zach Allen, Southern California Teacher Of The Year
Recommendation: True Pendulum Motion (TPM)

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I’ve taught with almost every putting training out there. The TPM, by far, is the simplest. It fixes the most common setup flaws and teaches golfers to make a perfect pendulum putting stroke that used to take golfers years to learn.

With the TPM, there’s no need to manipulate the putter or change anything during the stroke. It’s the only training aid I’ve ever used that teaches golfers what it’s like to make a perfect putting stroke every time.
Golfers will get better every time they use the TPM, which will translate to a lot more made putts on the course.

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Ready to make 2022 your best year ever on the course? Pick up one or more of these training aids, and you’ll be surprised with how much more confidence you’ll have on the greens — and how many more putts you’ll make.

Visit to learn more about all of the company’s training aids.

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