What are the beers with the best golf names?
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There are beers named after golf. Hundreds of them, in fact, according to Untappd, a beer social site. And beers named after birdies and bogeys. And beers named after irons, wedges and putters. There’s even a few named after the King.
So like with courses and clubs, the mission here is simple, yet noble (and maybe just a little bit frivolous):
What are the beers with the best golf names?
Here’s how we’ll go about this. Below, I’ve got the beer barrel rolling with nine of the best names I’ve found on Untappd. But over the next year, as you imbibe from the beverage cart or the 19th hole, and you see something tastier sounding, please email me (nick.piastowski@golf.com), or reach out over Twitter (@nickpia). Bonus points if you want to mail me a sixer, of course. Then, around next year at this time, I’ll post the nine best.
And with that, here are nine of the best golf-named beers I found (listed in alphabetical order). Cheers!
Chubbs Peterson Memorial Golf Tournament
A nod to Happy Gilmore’s teacher for this IPA from RAR Brewing in Cambridge, Md.
Crow’s Nest Wheat Ale
A wheat served at this year’s Masters, it also came in a souvenir cup and had a tap handle in the shape of Augusta National’s clubhouse. Dang.
Dubbel Bogey
A solid pun for this Belgian dubbel from Dogleg Brewing Co., in Vista, Calif.
Emergency Golf Match Amber Ale
Points for creativity for this amber ale from McKenzie Brew House, in Glen Mills, Pa.
Leishman Lager
A beer named for Marc Leishman (who had a hand in the brewing)! From Back Bay Brewing Co., in Virginia Beach, Va.
Another well-named beer, this one a pilsner, from the folks at Dogleg Brewing Co., in Vista, Calif.
Pin High Pilsner
A good name — and a better cause. A portion of the beer’s proceeds will be donated to support youth golf educational programs at Cleveland Metroparks Golf Courses. A pilsner from Market Garden Brewing in Cleveland.
Tom Morris Scotch Ale
A beer named after one of the legends of the game. A scotch ale from, you guessed it, St. Andrews Brewing Company.
Tony Sucks at Golf
Poor Tony. A stout from North Grove Brewers in Montague, Mich.