Recreational players aren’t afforded the luxury of extended warm-up time, so it’s important to get the most out of a short routine.
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When pros warm up for their rounds, they have a strict routine they follow to optimize their performance. This process differs from player to player, but if there is anything consistent across the board, it’s the fact that their warmup isn’t rushed.
Recreational players aren’t afforded that luxury. Carving out the time in the day to play 18 holes is hard enough, and tacking on an extra hour for a proper warmup just isn’t feasible. With this being the reality for many of us, it’s important to learn how to get the most out of a truncated warm-up session.
For help with that, we asked a couple GOLF Top 100 Teachers for their recommendations. Check out their best advice for warming up for a round when short on time.
1. Activate yourself
First and foremost, it’s important you get your body activated and ready to swing a club. If you try to make a swing before your body is ready, you could risk injuring yourself.
“Activation stretches are really important — probably more important than hitting balls,” says Jonathan Yarwood, Director of Golf at the International Junior Golf Academy. “Start getting the blood pumping, and then start to hit a few gentle shots after that.”
2. Roll some putts
After getting your body loose and making a few swings, head to the practice green before you go to the 1st tee. Knock in a few short putts to gain confidence, and then start hitting lag putts to get a feel for the speed of the greens.
“Roll some long putts to get a sense for your ability to cozy it up there from 60 or 70 feet,” says Martin Chuck of Tour Striker Golf Academy. “You don’t three-putt because you miss left and right. You three-putt because you don’t have decent distance control with your lag putting.”