u.s. women's amateur

What a weekend for Japan’s Saki Baba at the 122nd U.S. Women’s Amateur. On Saturday, Baba, 17, routed fellow 17-year-old Bailey Shoemaker of Dade City, ...


UNIVERSITY PLACE, Wash. – Saki Baba routed Monet Chun of Canada, 11 and 9, on Sunday to become the second Japanese winner in U.S. ...


The week started with 156 of the world’s best women’s amateur golfers vying for the Robert Cox Trophy at Chambers Bay in University Place, Washington. Now, ...


Saki Baba doesn’t lack for confidence. As she was orchestrating a dominating semifinal performance Saturday afternoon at Chambers ...


The 2022 U.S. Women’s Amateur started with 1,497 entries. A total of 156 golfers made the field at Chambers Bay in University Place, Washington, outside ...


The quarterfinals are set for the U.S. Women’s Amateur at Chambers Bay in University Place, Washington. Here's what you need to know ...


Wednesday’s first round of match play made for a bad day for the favorites at the 2022 U.S. Women’s Amateur. The Round of 64 featured upset losses for the ...


The defending champion and the top seed are out after the first round of match play at the U.S. Women’s Amateur. Kentucky's Jensen ...


Alice Ziyi Zhao is unlike many 13 year olds. Others are salvaging the final days of their summers, spending time at the pool or doing whatever to distract ...


History was made Tuesday at the U.S. Women’s Amateur, and in more ways than one. Not only did three players – Latanna Stone, Laney ...

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