eamon lynch

It’s been 25 years since Tom Wolfe published “A Man in Full,” the novel in which an Atlanta good ol’ boy, Charlie Croker, sees the high times grind to a ...


The claims leveled by Billy Walters about the gambling habits of Phil Mickelson can hardly be considered damaging to the six-time major winner’s reputation, ...


The humorist Will Rogers described diplomacy as the art of saying ‘Nice doggie’ until you can find a rock, but not every act of statecraft comes with an ...


HOYLAKE, England — Sunday afternoon at Royal Liverpool brought weather as persistently disagreeable as a drunk at a Saturday night bar, but only for ...


HOYLAKE, England — Golf is a sport in which a chap might be celebrated as non-conformist simply for wearing outré shades of khaki pants, and where ...


To dispense with the necessary off the top: any PGA Tour player is welcome to dislike or dispute whatever point he chooses in my work, and for any reason he ...


LOS ANGELES — More than any championship in golf, the U.S. Open makes competitors acutely aware of how little separates yesterday’s pigeon from today’s ...


Thomas Jefferson didn’t have the golf industry in mind when he wrote that money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations, but his ...


A half-century ago, novelist Mario Puzo imagined a character not unlike present-day Phil Mickelson: a once-loyal soldier who fancies himself the smartest ...


ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Michael Block is golf’s equivalent of the totems invited to (and pointed at) during State of the Union addresses, the relatable everymen ...

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