augusta national women's amateur

EVANS, Ga. — Unlike most of the field, Emily Mahar didn’t know she’d be competing in this week’s Augusta National Women’s Amateur until about a week ago. ...


Beth Lillie has never been past the gates at Augusta National Golf Club but, like many golf fans who have been to Augusta, Georgia, she’s quite familiar ...


EVANS, Ga. — Augusta National Women’s Amateur competitors have to make some tough decisions for tournament week. Outside of who gets to make the trip down ...


When Rachel Heck teed it up at Augusta National Golf Club for the first time last year, her eyes were wide open. With arguably the quote of the 2021 ...


EVANS, Ga. — Scorecards were as colorful as a Jackson Pollock painting during the first round of the 2022 Augusta National Women’s Amateur, with just five ...


Statistical milestones are common across sports and entertainment. Major League Baseball has its 3,000-hit club. The National Football League has the 500 ...


Just two weeks ago, Amalie Leth-Nissen was donning a gold jacket at Sage Valley. Now she’s at the 2022 Augusta National Women’s Amateur. The 17-year-old is ...


It’s officially Augusta National Women’s Amateur week. The third annual event which features an international field of 72 of the world’s best women’s ...


The future of women’s golf will be on display all week long in Augusta, Georgia, this week with the playing of the third Augusta National Women’s Amateur. ...


Want to watch the world’s best women’s amateur golfers and don’t want to wait until this Saturday’s final round? NBC Sports and the Augusta National Women’s ...

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