augusta national women's amateur

This year at the 2023 Augusta National Women’s Amateur, there’s a unique group that’s just as exclusive as the event’s namesake. Meet the ANWA four-timers ...


AUGUSTA, Ga. — Rose Zhang had the same caddie on her bag Friday at Augusta National Golf Club who Jennifer Kupcho used in 2019 when she won the inaugural ...


AUGUSTA, Ga. — After 36 holes at nearby Champions Retreat, it’s time for some of the world’s best amateurs to make the trip down Magnolia Lane. Famed ...


Magnolia Lane’s 60 magnolia trees and the clubhouse lead members to the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia. Photo by Scott Halleran/Getty ...


Gianna Clemente plays her stroke from the No. 11 tee during round two of the Augusta National Women’s Amateur at Champions Retreat Golf Club, Thursday, ...


EVANS, Ga. — Rose Zhang has a knack for making golf look incredibly easy, and the Stanford star is up to her usual antics once again this week. Over the ...


Bohyun Park made history Thursday. Her name will forever be tied to the Augusta National Women’s Amateur thanks to her tee shot on the par-3 eighth hole. ...


If there wasn’t enough mystique surrounding this gem on the amateur schedule, Thursday’s hazy conditions led to an incredible early-morning setting during ...


EVANS, Ga. — Rose Zhang said her father, Haibin, feverishly swept away the pine needles that were in the line of her 50-foot birdie putt on the 14th hole ...


Contending at the Augusta National Women’s Amateur is challenging enough, let alone doing so with an injury. That is, unless you’re Jensen Castle. The ...

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