augusta national women's amateur

It’s time for the fifth edition of the Augusta National Women’s Amateur. Seventy-two of the best female amateurs in the world are in Augusta, Georgia, for ...


The Augusta National Women’s Amateur has become the perfect appetizer for major championship golf season, and this week the tournament returns with its ...


Latanna Stone walks through a tunnel to the hole six tee box during the final round of the 2023 U.S. Women’s Amateur at Bel-Air Country Club in Los ...


After an opening round of 77 last year at the Augusta National Women’s Amateur, Lottie Woad stood over a 5-foot putt for birdie on the 18th, hands ...


The world’s best women’s amateur golfers are heading back down Magnolia Lane. The fifth Augusta National Women’s Amateur tees off this week with 47 of the ...


Megan Schofill kisses the Robert Cox Trophy on the iconic hole ten bridge after winning the 2023 U.S. Women’s Amateur at Bel-Air Country Club in Los ...


The Robert Cox trophy, one of the oldest and most beautiful trophies in all of golf, doesn’t travel well. Megan Schofill buckled it up in her car to take it ...


As the world’s top-ranked amateur, Ingrid Lindblad has faced hundreds of daunting opening tee shots in her life. There’s one that paints a canvas in her ...


GRANITEVILLE, S.C. – In Greek, the term “asterisk” directly translates to “little star.” For 15-year-old Asterisk Talley, that star won’t be little for ...


Sadie Englemann used to bring her iPad to class in high school to watch the pros play Amen Corner on during class. The surefooted Texan knew ...

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