It’s finally warming up, which means it’s the perfect time to make sure your golf bag is properly fitted (and not too heavy).
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Spring cleaning season! That means it’s the perfect time to get your golf bag ready for 2023. You know the story: after a long summer our golf bags can sometimes double as suitcases with everything we stuff in them, but now it’s time to take a little inventory.
We recently gave you a few ideas of essential things to add to your bag for this spring, but now it’s time to lighten the load. Here are a handful of things you definitely don’t need in your bag all the time — or something you should replace — because the only thing worse than a heavy golf bag are those frustrating three-putt bogeys.
7 things to remove from your golf bag
Alignment sticks
Perfect for the range; please use them there. But no, they don’t need to be in your golf bag during your round. (Also, longer ones can be a poking hazard!)
Extra golf balls
Six or seven good golf balls is probably all you need. Playing a tough course doused with water? OK, add two more. It’s not a huge deal if you are taking a cart, but unnecessary golf balls weigh your bag down in a hurry.
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Leftover food/snacks
From last year? Gross.
Rain gear on a sunny day
It’s always good to have sunscreen in your bag, maybe even rain pants since they are so light. But some rain jackets are bulkier, and while they handle unexpected Open Championship-style weather with ease, a simple glance at the forecast will probably let you know if you can safely leave yours in the closet.
Old clothes
One pair of extra socks? Smart. Three that haven’t been touched in 2 1/2 years? Overkill.
A 3-iron
OK, maybe not just a 3-iron, but if there’s a club you either don’t or can’t hit, it has no reason to stay in your bag. Better yet, maybe there’s something you can replace it with that you actually might use more often (like another wood or wedge).
Pain reliever (to replace)
Speaking from experience here. It’s always good to have something to help with the back pain or any other problem area, but also not a bad idea to check the expiration date and replace it with something a little more fresh.