Solheim Cup veterans dish on 2023 matches in Spain, fond memories, favorite courses are more

Captain Catriona Matthew of Team Europe holds the Solheim Cup after defeating Team USA at Inverness Club in 2021. (Photo: Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports)

Stacy Lewis: The Solheim Cup will definitely be a challenge for us as the European team is extremely strong. They have won the last two editions. This year the Solheim Cup will be held at Finca Cortesin, which may be an advantage for Team Europe. They have the home advantage and the momentum. It will undoubtedly be a tough task but I know that every player on our team will be extremely motivated to reclaim the Solheim Cup. With this in mind, a large part of our preparation will be to ensure that we are as prepared as possible for competing overseas with the number of fans supporting Team Europe. I am extremely excited and really looking forward to attending the event. I love traveling abroad for the Solheim Cup as it is always a great bonding experience.

Suzann Pettersen: This year’s edition of the Solheim Cup will definitely be different in comparison to past ones. I believe that being a player is easier than being a captain. As a player, you show up and the main focus is to perform at your optimum, and when you step onto the tee, you have full control. As a captain, you have control of the activities that week, the planning and the progression of the week but the rest such as the team’s progress remains in the team’s hands. I am not the one hitting or putting that shot. It will be very nerve-racking sitting on the outside and just watching on. However, I am going to do everything in my power to help facilitate the team’s atmosphere and preparation. Hopefully, I will be able to guide them with my past experience and philosophy that I have created through my experience playing on the LPGA. It is important to emphasize the need to the players to have a brilliant and fun week as it remains extremely memorable. No matter the outcome, I want the players to look back with positive memories and with motivation to want to play the tournament again.

Annika Sorenstam: For the last ten years, Team Europe have been incredibly successful at the Solheim Cup and hopefully their momentum will continue. I think that they have a very strong team and certainly, a strong and experienced leader in Suzann Pettersen. Suzann has a great record at the Solheim Cup. She is extremely fiery, energetic and enthusiastic. She is surrounded by a great team and I am sure that she will put her heart and soul into her captaincy.

It is exciting that the event will be held at Finca Cortesin in Spain. I am sure that it will be great fun to play there. Over the years, we have had some wonderful players representing Spain and it is a brilliant opportunity for us to visit that region. I can already imagine the atmosphere around the first tee with all the fans – it will be electric. There is something extremely special about the Solheim Cup and being provided with the opportunity to represent one’s country. It is definitely a highlight of the women’s golf calendar and we are going to witness some incredible matches.

Anna Nordqvist: I haven’t been afraid to say throughout my career that the Solheim Cup is one of my favorite competitions to play in and the tournament that I probably love the most. There is just something about the atmosphere that you don’t get at other events. I have been assigned the vice-captaincy role this year which is exciting. My good friend and fellow Rolex Testimonee Suzann Pettersen is the captain of the European team for 2023 and 2024, and I have always wanted to be a vice-captain under her leadership. We have had quite a few meetings over the last couple of months. It is fun to be a part of all the preparation for the competition in a different role.

During the last few editions of the Solheim Cup, I have been asked more questions and been slightly more involved in that side of things but this is a new experience for me. I am probably the oldest player on the team and I have seen how the team environment and side of things has evolved. I would say that women’s golf has never been stronger than it is now and I think that we will be in Spain with the strongest team that we have ever had … I am very excited to be a part of this year’s Solheim Cup and I am trying to do my best to get a spot on the team.

Lexi Thompson: I am really looking forward to this year’s edition of the Solheim Cup. The opportunity to represent your country is one of the highest honors and there is no feeling quite like being at the competition as a team wearing the U.S. colors. I have also never been to Spain so I am looking forward to that aspect. That being said, I still have to ensure that I continue to play well in order to secure a spot on the team but there is definitely no better feeling being able to tee up for your country.

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