What do the rules say about touching the ground in front of your ball with your club.
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The Rules of Golf are tricky! Thankfully, we’ve got the guru. Our Rules Guy knows the book front to back. Got a question? He’s got all the answers.
For many years now, as part of my pre-shot routine for all strokes, I stand directly behind my ball and locate something beyond my desired landing spot for which to aim. I extend my club toward that distant point, slowly lowering it until I identify an area two inches to a foot directly in front of my ball. Then I lightly ground my club for a split-second to touch that spot—the purpose being to burn into my brain that exact point so I can readily identify it when I set up to take the stroke. I don’t press the club to the ground or repeatedly tap it, and in no way do I intend to (or actually) improve the conditions affecting my stroke. So, is this permitted? If so, is there a maximum allowable distance in front of the ball to do so? —Deb Rose, via email
Rules Guy’s neighbor once approvingly, and malaprop-ingly, referred to his contractor as “very particulous” — that is, both particular and meticulous.
Deb, without meaning to cast aspersions, you sound very particulous as well. (Also very deliberate, but we will give you the benefit of the doubt that all this prep work takes place double-time.)
All that said, so long as you don’t physically leave a mark and don’t let go of the club in the process, there’s nothing wrong with your, er, process.
Rule 10.2b(3) prohibits setting down an object or a similar action such as creating a mark; there’s no prohibition on picking a preexisting point and using your club in your hand to help yourself align to that point.
For more rules-related guidance from our guru, read on …
Beautiful sunny day, match play. I drive up next to my ball in the fairway, and the shadow from my cart is over my ball. My opponent tells me I need to move my cart, that the shadow over the ball was improving my lie. Is he joking? He is not. I move my cart and play on. Is he right — or crazy? —Daniel Kramer, Scottsdale, Ariz.
So, your opponent threw shade at you, eh?
Let’s put it this way, Daniel: He’s half-right, at least in the rules sense. “Shading” the ball isn’t improving the lie, which relates to Rule 8.1.
But a player can’t deliberately position an object for the purpose of blocking sunlight; doing so breaches Rule 10.2b(5) [see interpretation 10.2b(5)1] and garners the general penalty of two strokes in stroke play and loss of hole in match play. If you didn’t deliberately put the cart there for that purpose, there’s no breach under this rule.
In the future, though, find a parking spot farther away from your ball — a little more exercise never hurt anyone.
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Got a question about the Rules? Ask the Rules Guy! Send your queries, confusions and comments to rulesguy@golf.com. We promise he won’t throw the book at you.