Rickie Fowler and wife Allison Stokke announce birth of baby girl

Rickie, Allison and new baby girl, Maya Fowler.


November had already brought us the birth of Sammy Spieth, to happy new parents Jordan and Annie, but Thanksgiving brought us news of another PGA Tour baby. This one to happy new parents Rickie Fowler and Allison Stokke. 

“Happy Thanksgiving everyone!”  Fowler wrote on Instagram. “As you can see Allison & I are beyond thankful…a whole new meaning to life!! Maya Fowler born 11/18/21 My heart is full!!” 

Stokke made an announcement post of her own about the baby girl, with the caption, “Maya Fowler…couldn’t be more thankful!! Happy Thanksgiving.” 

Happy Thanksgiving indeed. For one of the most beloved players on the PGA Tour, there was an unsurprisingly joyous response from fellow Tour stars in the comments. 

Fowler announced they were expecting back in June, saying that they’d known since early March. Fowler did his best to keep the secret until he cracked during the week of Travelers Championship. 

Will Maya soon be wearing full orange jumpsuits? We can only hope. 

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Sean Zak

Golf.com Editor

A senior editor for GOLF.com, Zak joined the GOLF staff three weeks after college graduation. He is the utility infielder of the brand, spanning digital, print and video. His main duty is as a host for various GOLF.com video properties and its award-winning podcasts. When the Masters comes around, be sure to tune in to hear him and fellow staffers recount the most memorable tournaments in Augusta National history on A Pod Unlike Any Other.

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