Father time might be undefeated, but if you employ the right strategies, you can delay the effects of aging on your swing.
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Some of the very best golf teachers on the planet are at Pinehurst Resort this week for GOLF’s Top 100 Teachers Summit. You can access all of their insight by signing up for the livestream. But lucky you, we’ll also break down some of what you missed right here. (For more on the Top 100 Teachers Summit, click here.)
PINEHURST, N.C. — That old saying about Father Time being undefeated? It’s tired, sure, but it’s also correct. Everyone gets older, and as they do, their athletic performance invariably suffers (unless you’re Bernhard Langer).
The beauty of golf is that it can be played into old age — and played well. And though you may not be able to snap Father Time’s winning streak, there are ways to delay his inevitable victory. You just need to take the proper steps to keep your swing young.
One of the first things to go as you get older is your mobility. And with the swing so dependent on mobility — particularly when it comes to generating power — taking steps to stay limber is key.
Stretching and exercise will benefit you greatly in this department, but there are also safeguards you can build into your swing to increase your mobility.
“To help yourself with mobility, lift your left heel up,” GOLF Top 100 Teacher Jonathan Yarwood said Tuesday at the GOLF Top 100 Teachers Summit. “Raise your heel up and make the biggest turn you can with your hips. If you do that, you’re going to increase the distance the club goes back, turn your spine better and it can only help you.”
This is a move that Jack Nicklaus used throughout his career, and as one of the longest hitters of his day, the benefits are obvious.
“Definitely lift your left foot up,” Yarwood said. “It will definitely give you some life and longevity in your swing.”