Masters tickets, Harman’s homecoming and a major DQ | Rogers Report

A Masters flag, Brian Harman drinking from the claret jug

Getty Images, PGA Tour

Hello friends, and welcome to this week’s edition of the Rogers Report! It’s been a while since we’ve all caught up, so allow me to get you up to speed on what I’ve been doing before we get into the real golf news. I’ve spent the last few weeks at home with my siblings where I took my sister Ellen out on her quest to break 70 on nine holes, channeled my inner Tour caddie by sporting HOKAS on neighborhood walks and made some lovely dinners on the grill. I’m a big fan of summers in Rhode Island.

My cool dad

The results of the Masters ticket lottery arrived last week, and for the first time ever I actually knew people who won. One of my pals from college got tickets as well as a family friend and even my dad! My family group chat was very active upon learning this news, and I even offered to help my dad decide which of my four siblings he should take by suggesting they apply for the +1 position.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t until the next morning that my dad revealed that after 10 years of applying for 2-4 tickets, he decided to switch things up this year and just request one. He thought he’d have a better chance of winning this way and it would save him the headache of deciding who to take.

So congratulations to my dad on the ticket and for tactfully avoiding a Rogers family fight.

Harman’s homecoming

Open Championship winner Brian Harman returned to Sea Island after his victory at Royal Liverpool late last week.

The first thing I notice here is not the Claret Jug, but the fact that Harman flew on one of those planes that has steps for you to get off right at the tarmac. I’ve wanted to do that ever since I saw Lindsay Lohan reunite with Dennis Quaid in a similar setting when she returns from camp in The Parent Trap. That kind of arrival, plus the red carpet, is how you know you’re flying in style.

Carlota Ciganda’s wild DQ 

On Friday at the Amundi Evian Championship, Carlota Ciganda was penalized for slow play and eventually disqualified when she signed a scorecard that didn’t reflect the penalty. The fiasco was explained extremely well by my coworker Zephyr Melton. Then Ciganda took to social media to share her side of the story.

So obviously this is bad in terms of golf, but I do think Ciganda might be on to something extraordinary here. Imagine if you just refused to accept your fate whenever you got in trouble? Parents mad at you? No they’re not! Boss unhappy with your performance and wants to meet? No thanks! I honestly have to respect this move just a tiny bit, even if the golf course isn’t the place to implement a total disregard of accountability. I’m sure it would work in other aspects of life. Perhaps I’ll put my hypothesis to the test and let you all know.

Senior Open conditions

The weather on Sunday at the Senior Open included 30mph winds and rain which made for the highest scores in the event in 30 years (!!!) and more importantly, some hilarious photos.

One of the few blessings that comes with awful weather is the fact that you’re allowed to stop caring what you look like in order to stay warm and dry. Thankfully, I watched the whole thing from my couch so was as comfortable as could be — far, far away from Royal Porthcawl.

Some gym inspiration for you all

Feeling unmotivated in the gym? Want to get back into a routine but not sure where to start? Look no further than this video of Miguel Angel Jimenez getting some exercise in at the Senior Open.

Bonus points if you hit the gym in golf clothes and loafers.

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Claire Rogers Editor

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