This tip will help you dial in your stroke on the greens.
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Your read may not always be right, but you can get any putt within tap-in range with proper distance control.
Fact: There are two variables in your stroke. The first is how far you take the putter back. The second is how you accelerate, or how big a stroke you make going through. If you cut the number of variables in half, your odds of always being around the hole skyrocket.

Michael Schwartz
I keep the length of my forward stroke (and acceleration) the same on most lags. That’s the constant. So then all I have to do is vary the length of my backstroke to roll the ball the correct distance. At every event, I’ll spend time on the practice green rolling, say, 40-, 50- and 60-foot putts, dialing in the backstroke length for each one while keeping the forward stroke the same. If I’m a little short, I’ll take my putter back a little farther, but I won’t change my acceleration.
This makes lagging so easy. I don’t know why all pros don’t do it.