Putting is the great equalizer in golf.
Often referred to as the game within the game, putting greatly affects your score.
Taking just 10 minutes a day to work on your stroke can help drop your scores.
If you’re one to keep track of stats while you play, and you always should, try to keep putts around 30. The more greens you hit, the higher the number can be, but 34 putts or fewer can usually result in a scorecard you can be proud of.
If you’re having a hard time finding rhythm with your flat stick, give these practice aids a try before heading off to the store to buy a new putter. A lot of these aids below are seen each and every week on Tour by our insiders.
Check back throughout August as Golfweek continues its series on best training aids.
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Price: $56
Why it works: The Pelz is used by Tour pros everywhere. Forcing you to keep your path on line, the Pelz trainer utilizes a gate and line to perfect your through stroke.
Price: $175
Why it works: Rolling out to 9.5 feet, the Perfect Practice putting mat helps you key in your stroke on the money makers. With lines to keep your putter face straight, this is a great get for your office, or anywhere you can practice indoors!
Price: $55
Why it works: Having a hard time reading lines or keeping your ball on its intended path? These PuttOUT gates will help you do just that. With proper setup, the gates will force you to make a perfect read and match it with a great stroke and speed.
Price: $179
Why it works: One of the most utilized mats among professionals, the Wellputt mat comes in various sizes. You can work speed, line, consistency, path, and whatever else you need with this well designed mat.
Price: $50
Why it works: Aptly named, this putting string will have you making it rain from just about everywhere. Like a chalk line, this puts the line above your putter to keep the visual throughout the stroke.
Price: $75
Why it works: We will warn you, you won’t like your double chin when looking down at this training aid. All jokes aside, the PuttOUT mirror system combines gates and mirrors to help make your stroke as pure as ever.
Price: $139
Why it works: Lasers are always cool. This aid is designed much like a string or mat line. However, the perk is laser precision to make sure you’re near robotic.
Price: $130
Why it works: Can’t putt under pressure? The PuttOut training aid will help you keep the yips away as you’re coming down the stretch. Combining speed and control, the PuttOut system will make you take perfect strokes despite pressure.