Q&A: Stewart Cink on his tattoo (who knew!), being an airplane snob and whether he’s ever gone to a tanning salon for his bald head

Stewart Cink of the United States talks with his caddie and son Reagan Cink on the second tee during the first round of the TOUR Championship at East Lake Golf Club on September 02, 2021 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)

Cink: He imposed the schedule. Like he called me out for being late, even if it was two minutes. He kept me honest about being on time, and it made me realize how loose I am with my schedule. It was annoying as hell but it was also something that I needed.

Golfweek: Did you guys have any awkward moments out there?

Cink: Awkward? We’ve probably had some awkward moments, but really that’s one of the best things about him caddying was that because he’s grown up playing a lot of golf and watching and learning through me, that we think the same. I don’t remember one shot in two years where we didn’t – not that we didn’t ever disagree, but when we disagreed, we always talked it out and arrived at an agreed strategy based on – well, he would state his case, I would state my case.  Sometimes we’d go his way, sometimes we’d go my way, but we never struck a golf ball without getting to a place of agreement first. I cannot say that about any other caddie I’ve ever had, including the one I have now. Well, she doesn’t really discuss strategy with me, but I’m sure she questions, like what are you doing?

Golfweek: Who do you like having on the bag more, your wife or your son?

Cink: Do you think I’m going to answer that? Actually, my wife would be very upset if I didn’t say Reagan. Having Reagan was just – a father-son combination – like his golf IQ is on the level of a Tour player. He knows the lies, the wind, the greens, just understands the shots so well, and he’s a good golfer but he can’t quite execute the shots like we can, but having that on your side and the chemistry you have with your son, every second of it was a blast.

Golfweek: Do you pay him the same way as any other caddie?

Cink: Almost, except that we pretty much paid all of his travel expenses and his wife because his wife traveled with us the second year. So I paid him a little bit less per week, just total transparency here. I paid him a little bit less per week than I paid my normal caddies. He got a little less because all his expenses were being paid.

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