Welcome to Gimme That, a column where we’ll highlight one notable item we think you might like. Whether it’s an article of clothing, an intriguing electronic device or anything in between, we want to share these items with you because they’ve generated a bit of chatter by our water cooler (or, these days, on our Slack channel). So sit back, scroll down and keep up with the latest gear golf has to offer.
Spring is my favorite golf season. Rhoback has my favorite logo in the golf apparel space. When these two meet in the new Rhoback Azalea collection, I’m sold.
From polos to hoodies to quarter-zips to rope hats to women’s sleeveless shirts, Rhoback has it all in its latest collection. You can practically smell azaleas from looking at these designs. Keep yourself looking spring fresh all year in any of these offerings.
This apparel is for much more than show. Frankly, a lot of similar limited-edition offerings have “looks” in mind first and performance is a distant secondary factor. That’s not the case with Rhoback. Performance plays an as big, if not bigger, factor in all their designs.
Find your look. Find your fit. And you’ve found yourself a new spring go-to.
All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. If you buy a linked product, GOLF.COM may earn a fee. Pricing may vary.