5 Olympics golf storylines you missed overnight: Extreme heat, Nelly Korda’s strong start and a roommate with a black eye

Matilda Castren (FIN) hits on the eighth hole during the first round of the women’s individual stroke play of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Summer Games at Kasumigaseki Country Club. Michael Madrid-USA TODAY Sports

Matilda Castren, one of the hottest players in golf right now, stayed in the Olympic village from Thursday to Monday and stayed with a Finnish light-weight boxer who advanced to the semifinals. The first day they met, the boxer came home with a black eye.

“Like, wow, that never happens on the golf course to me,” said Castren with a laugh, “so I should be very thankful. She was like, ‘Well, every sport has its ups and downs.’ And I’m like, wow, at least I don’t get hit in my face.”

Castren, who became the first Finnish player to win on the LPGA in June, said the boxer now has a new fan for life.

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